Recent additions to Lightolier's 50th anniversary lighting collection, 1955
Lightolier, 1956 (with Alvin Lustig)
375 Park Avenue Signage, The House of Seagram, 1957
A Millionth Anniversary, Meridian Books, 1958
Jan. 1, 1958
Picasso Five Master Works, Kootz Gallery, 1958
Zao Wou-ki New Paintings, Kootz Gallery, 1959
Prelude to 1958–59 Season, Kootz Gallery, 1959
Lightronics, 1959
Marca-Relli New Paintings, Kootz Gallery, 1959
Frederik Lunning, A Division of Georg Jensen Inc., 1960
The House of Seagram Directory, 1961
Federal Aviation Agency, 1962
The Queen Esther Ball, The Jewish Museum, 1964
Hanukkah, The Jewish Museum, 1964
The Jewish Museum invites you to become a member, 1964
An Invitation to Membership, The Jewish Museum, 1965
7th Annual Purim Ball, The Jewish Museum, 1966
A Party for the New Year, 1968
John Bernard Myers Gallery, 1973
MoMA Greeting Card, The Museum of Modern Art, 1975
MoMA Mies in Berlin, The Museum of Modern Art, 2001